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Reclaiming Health

The Background

I've been practicing in holistic health since 2011. On paper I have trained and practiced in Reflexology, Reiki, EFT, PSYCH-K, Ayurveda and Yoga however it wasn't until the world shut down and I closed the doors of a studio and clinic I ran in Sydney that a new chapter was formed and I began to unravel what it truly takes to reclaim health.

With a new page to write and time on my hands I started to delve into various books on medical astrology and minerals which then lead me to read 'Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies'. I thought to myself there has to be someone in this world that has applied this knowledge in reality which then led me to find my teacher Tim Goyetche. Tim has over 30yrs experience in various holistic qualifications however it was his cellular response therapy that reminded me of our bodies innate intelligence to not only signal when imbalance is present but to heal when it is given the nutrition it needs to perform it's function.


Initially I wanted to learn to better my own health and that of my families as after 6 years of either being pregnant or breastfeeding, running a studio in Sydney for 7yrs and then relocating the family up to the northern NSW, I was depleted. I was doing all the 'right things' and yet I wasn't feeling how I should expect to feel. I was seasonally cleansing with Ayurvedic practices, gentle fasting, taking herbs, eating well, getting to bed early, meditating and exercising so why was I not feeling on top of the world?

Seeing the Signs

When you see your face looking back at you, no make up, no smile or filter to hide behind, you see the truth as confronting as it is. As I made my way through Tim's course learning and identifying the deficiencies in myself I could see why everything I was doing wasn't yielding the results I desired. I had malabsorption and wide spread deficiencies, I had visual precursors to low thyroid function which explained the weight gain I was starting to experience and with a mouthful of amalgam fillings from childhood to be removed my liver and antioxidants were being robbed from Peter to give to Paul, so to speak. My blessing was I now had the wisdom, support and minerals to start correcting it. 

I started initially with correcting the malabsorption whilst taking the skin formula, self muscle testing all my dosages morning and night so that I knew my body was getting what it needed to support it's repair and function. Within 12 weeks I saw remarkable changes in my inflammation, skin tone, pigmentation and overall health (you will see the image below which was taken 12 weeks apart), this I could also feel, it was like my body woke up and could start to get to work. I started muscle testing my foods and keeping a journal so that what I was putting in to my body was also supporting what it needed at that time to heal.

Being Prepared

If I was going to reclaim my health it was time to start the process of removing the amalgam fillings, so sourcing a holistic dentist I starting a program to have them removed. The first round of extractions went well and I was one step closer to having these out of my mouth for good. It's here I want to say that those moments in your life where you say 'I should of' are the times that were destined to occur, this for me was the second round of extractions. As I lay on the chair and the dentist is working on my teeth, i'm thinking 'oh are they going to put the protective lining in?' the lining is what is put in the mouth to catch any of the amalgam from being swallowed. Alas this time he hadn't and although I thought it, I didn't say anything. 

8 weeks had passed and I started to notice a rash forming on the outside of my left eye, having just changed a facial product I thought it might of been a reaction to this and stopped using it however the rash persisted. It was around this time that the Northern Rivers was hit with catastrophic floods and our village was effected so it was all hands on deck.


Throughout the clean up and recovery the rash persisted and then it started on my right eye, it was itchy and raw. I went to an allergist who then said that it isn't an allergy as such however most likely the bodies reaction to mercury toxicity and an overwhelmed immune system. Within that time my digestion and microbiome became compromised due to the liver and gallbladder being overloaded so much so that my skin became the bodies secondary excretion channel in an attempt to rid myself of the toxicity. 

With the liver congested and the load on my body my immune system went into overdrive and I became hyper responsive to pretty much most foods and drinks which would flare up my skin. The rash started to spread around my nose and this is when I understood it to be perioral dermatitis; a stubborn skin inflammation which is indicative of a compromised mircobiome, inflammation and congestion. At the core of all of this was that my immune system was in overdrive, it was trying it's best to compensate for the congested detox pathways and an overheated liver, however it needed my help. 

Over the course of 4 months I dove deep into supporting my body to heal, identifying and removing any triggers so that the flare ups on the skin could subside and I could start to regain integrity in my skin barrier whilst I was working on the internal repair. Amperna is an amazing skincare brand that helped at those initial stages of flare ups and repair. With that I also used homemade natural topical masks to feed the skin with enzymes and probiotics. 

I found Natren Probiotics and Megaspore which is a spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic shown to maintain healthy gut barrier function which targets the reconditioning of the gut,  both were very supported to the recovery and repair.  I wasn't able to eat any fermented foods at this stage as they were too heating to my body and would cause flare ups so the probiotics helped to repair which was compromised, again this wasn't the only answer however it helped in the recovery. Obviously a big role in digestive health is the environment, it's acidity/alkalinity balance and this predominately comes from the health of our liver and bile flow coupled with what we consume coupled with the food we choose to eat and how it digests. Even when we think we are doing all the right things, if we haven't had a deep clean, it's like putting organic matter on top of toxic sludge expecting the good stuff to get through.

By July 2022 I stopped having flare ups and my skin started to repair however there was still a way to go internal. If I was being honest with myself I am sure the mercury mishap was just the straw that broke the camels back and truly has been a blessing for me as I would not of been pushed to such degrees to question the truth about where our health resides. It stripped me back completely recognising how the health industry is selling quick fixes just as much as the medical industry is, it's just masked differently. Taking pills, promoting ways to suppress symptoms or compensating for habits we are not wanting to change doesn't heal the body, it just prolongs the inevitable and costs a lot of on going money.

Diving Deep

To the end of 2022 after reading countless books on liver cleansing, cellular nutrition, enzymes, cancers, bacteria, raw fats, tribes that live without disease, essentials to thrive and the list goes on, I was well and truly untangled. The question I kept asking myself 'but what if I didn't have access to *insert what I thought I needed to feel well* then what?'. We have to know what the body needs and how we can support it with what nature intended. The modern world has complicated things, the debt on the body has been big and now it was time to relieve it from the overload.

I had already completed a few colon cleanses and liver/gallbladder flushes with great results however after reading books like Edward Howell's 'Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept' and 'The Enzyme Factor' by Hirosmi Shinya MD I thought surely these magical workers of the body and nature could be leveraged for cleansing and detoxing the body as many cultures have used them. This is when I found ZenCleanz!

To say that using enzymes for cleansing the body is effective is an understatement, it absolutely blew my mind the results in such a short amount of time fasting on enzymes and broth provided me. Granted I had done quite a lot of ground work and this can contribute to seeing success in the initial stages however given that I had done some ground work it made it even more confronting what was coming out of my body through the intestinal and liver/gallbladder flushes (I'll save you the images here however will share on my social). The layers of mucoid plaque kept peeling away from fresh fatty rubbery plaque to dark thick old congealed plaque, what I could achieve using the enzymes in days is what many would achieve fasting for long periods of time. 

As for the liver there were still hundreds of hardened cholesterol stones, calcified toxins, flukes (liver parasites) and sludge making it's way out flush after flush. Here I was thinking I would be done in 1 or 2 cleanses however this was deeper than I had ever gone before so I let go of my expectations on healing and focused on making the changes my body and life was asking of me.


As Zuman shares;

"Detoxing never happens at the physical level, a physical release of matter uncovers more subtle energies that were also stuck and, because of the opportunity to move that is offered, finally freed and can move, there comes the opportunity to detox emotionally and this is made possible only if you don't resist it, only if you allow them to move. What makes it difficult is your resistance to them, your judgements to them ..... 'Fatigue is wrong, you don't like it, the panic and fear that was stuck inside and now finally got a chance to move and transform you don't like that either and unconsciously you resist it, trying to stop it so you won't feel it'."

Leading into the cleanses these subtle energies are at play, with the mere intention you are cleansing to let go, the body prepares however subconsciously there is resistance and this tug of war bottle necks; this is where we have the choice to allow and feel or to resist and persist.  I've seen the universe bring everything into my vortex to trigger me, literally break me down and confront the feelings it is stirring up inside of me until the dam walls break open and there is relief and peace awaiting on the other side. With these emotional releases have been large physical releases however I don't step into each cleanse with the intention to replicate the other for I am no longer the same and therefore cannot expect the same. What cleansing has taught me is that everything is happening exactly as it's meant to whether it is in the gross or subtle realms, we just need to trust the process. 

Claim Your Sovereignty

So this is a story of how we are in a constant state of transformation which ever way you see it, the body is always cleansing and repairing; healing is a matter of how you feed and how you feel life.

Hiroma Shinya MD share beautifully in his book "A person who is mentally stressed every day and is too busy to eat right will experience a physical imbalance. There is more than one factor leading to any disease. Everything is connected. Mental factors, physical factors, environmental factors… You fall ill when all of these factors come together to form a bad cycle. Poor diet produces large amounts of free radicals in the body, but so do negative feelings like hatred, resentment and jealousy, which are equally as destructive to health as poor diet. You can stop drinking, stop smoking, and eat a perfect diet, but if your mental diet is one of anger, stress, and fear, you can still make yourself sick. In order to live a healthy life, it is very important to maintain a mentally harmonious and stable condition."


The images above span 18mths of my body healing and are testament to the effects of feeding my cells well and taking control of my health. I had a choice to become a victim of my circumstances or chose to use them as a catalyse to learn, grow and evolve; unravelling the stories that hold the body back from healing and strengthen my resolve to change that which my body and soul needed changing. 

It is a process and it will take the time that it needs. I am still in this process and by no means am I an expert as no one knows you better than yourself. My role is to encourage, support and share information to provoke thought, it is entirely in your power to choose what will work for you through experimenting with what you need and what you need to change.


To reclaim you sovereignty of health, you cannot put all your power into someone nor a supplementation. I understand I am offering natural mineral supplementation however with a whole hearted intention that they merely act as a support whilst you start 'cleaning up' and create the changes necessary so that you can be free of these and receive everything you need through your food, your relationships, your purpose, your perspective of the world and your personal freedom, this is something that cannot be bi-passed or out sourced to someone else; this is your life and only you can claim it.


Prue xx


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