March Cleanse Options
You can start and finish anytime between March 15th - April 31st so you can adjust the cleanse to your schedule and still get my support throughout the time period
When it comes to cleansing everyones readiness and needs vary; having the space to do it, feeling supported, having the finances and/or being mentally/emotionally ready to let go. The group cellular cleanse is an opportunity to embark on a cleanse protocol that will meet you with where you are at coupled with the support of myself to guide you to get the most out of it and move closer towards your goals.
For those who have completed a phase 1 protocol before and feels ready to embark on a deeper cleanse then select phase 2 as your next option.
A phase 1 protocol is about cleansing and preparing your drainage pathways of the intestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and skin so that it is ready to safely eliminate deeper toxins such as toxic proteins, toxic fats/lipids, heavy metals and chemicals. If you are new to cleansing you can start with either the 5 day mucoid intestinal cleanse or for those wanting to go deeper the phase 1 protocol. Please feel free to contact me to discuss.
Guaranteed Results
WEIGHT / WASTE LOSS: Most clients lose between 3 - 6kg throughout a cleanse period and post cleanse protocol. This is predominately waste, fluid and improved metabolic function.
MORE CLARITY: Cleansing by nature provides a gateway to letting go of old patterns and behaviours alongside the toxic build up which opens up space for a clearer path ahead.
IMPROVED METABOLISM: When you apply longer term changes post cleanse you yield off the back of the cleanse with improved metabolic function which helps to maintain the weight loss ongoing.
CLEARER SKIN / COMPLEXION: Reduced acidity and inflammation coupled with improved nutrient uptake, daily habits and microbial health supports your skin quality, more even skin tone and vibrancy.
ENERGY: Digestion and congestion taxes your body (and mind) of nutrients when not functioning optimally. Malabsorption from the small intestine, digestive strength and cellular uptake contributes to how your body feels and detoxes on daily basis. Decongesting your detox pathways your body is able to repair and rebalance. This take various amounts of time depending on the person and state of health however with each cleanse you will feel compounding benefit.
IMPROVED IMMUNITY: Clearing parasites, strengthen your resistance to pathogens, better uptake of antioxidants and nutrients, clearing toxic load and improving digestive strength all play a role in your overall immunity, cleansing helps all of these.
GROUNDED & CONNECTED: Cleansing is an experience that has YOU and only YOU be motivated to do it for YOU. By design cleansing anchors you back to Self and away from the noise/distortion of life that surrounds you day to day. With each cleanse you deepen your connection and your discipline to change the habits that aren't serving your higher purpose.
5 Day Mucoid Plaque Intestinal Cleanse
This cleanse includes kit of powered and fermented enzymes alongside additional liquid detox enzymes to consume whilst fasting. There is an option to add on an oil/citrus malic acid liver/gallbladder flush with a DIY protocol to get started off loading build up in the liver/gallbladder.
Pre and Post cleanse protocol that will help you to get the most out of the cleanse and how to reset your digestive strength transitioning back into your diet. It's vital that you are mentally and emotionally prepared with organising the support you need for this period as this is reflected on the efficacy of releases we see throughout the cleanse. The body will not let go of that which it is not ready to which is why we step into each cleanse with an intention on what you are wanting to let go of.
Guide to 3 Day Digestive Reset - Integrating food back into your body to support igniting your fire again.
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1 Day of consuming a protocol of powdered and fermented enzymes
3-5 Days (depending on the individuals needs) fasting on detox enzymes, raw filtered green juice, herbal tea and broth.
Day 5 onwards - transitioning out of fasting with a kunji/kitchari digestive reset, consuming recipe of kunji and kitchari for your meals. This is recommended for 2-3 days to get your digestive fire ignited.
COST - $410 + shipping (if overseas additional cost may be required) or pick up available. If you have a friend or a partner that you can share a bottle of enzymes with (that means you live close by to divide the contents of bottle) then select 2 Persons option below to receive kit for $340 ($680 + shipping)
Mucoid Intestinal Plaque Cleanse + Toxic Lipid Exchange Protocol,
Glutathione Chemical Detox &
Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Flush
This is a 23 day protocol. The timeframe really is guided by how the body is responding to the cleanse formula's so can allow up to 30 days to space out if needed. This protocol combines a toxic lipid exchange liposomal formula coupled with glutathione support formula for chemical detox + liver/gallbladder and kidney flush suppositories.
In a healthy body, small amounts of bile enter the bloodstream where it acts as a natural ‘detergent’ to rancid fat in the arteries. Rendering this rancid fat water soluble allows it to be urinated out and replaced with healthy fats. If there are metal toxins in the body, they hydrogenate the lipids of the body into trans fatty acids (think Crisco) and cause cholesterol to crystallise where its sharp edges pierce cells from the inside causing inflammation and damage. In this case, the natural amount of bile in the bloodstream may be insufficient. The liposomal formula supports the body in increasing bloodstream bile by converting old fat soluble toxins into water soluble so they can be flushes through the gallbladder and kidneys.
GLUTATIONE SUPPORT - Chemical detoxification has three phases. In Phase I, cytochrome P450 enzymes attach polar groups onto toxins so that glutathione and other conjugants in Phase II have a place to react with. These conjugated toxins are then be escorted out of the body in Phase III. Phase two requires glutathione and other conjugants which are found in this suppository formula. Phase III requires good kidney and liver flow hence where the suppository formula for liver, gallbladder and kidney flush come into play. Due to overloaded toxins in the liver and body many are deficient in glutathione which compromises ones ability to complete phase ll of detoxification which then further impacts the bodies chemcial load.
WHY FLUSH BILE SLUDGE AND STONES? Many people may develop crystallisations in their liver, kidneys and gallbladders. Some people may have literally hundreds of stones that have accumulated in their bodies. In approximately 1 out of 4 people, these crystallisations eventually grow large enough to require medical attention. These crystallisations are typically accumulations of calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid and cholesterol. Chanca Piedra, (one of the main ingredients in the suppository formula) may also support the dissolution of calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals, the main constituents of kidney stones.
The liver, gall bladder and hepatic ducts can all suffer from accumulations of biliary sludge and gallstones. Bile, unable to pass into the duodenum can backwash into the liver and pancreas, causing alkali burns in those organs. The underlying cause to the build up of stones and sludge is toxicity and deficiencies so it is recommended to address these such as heavy metals, parasites, fungus and moulds. Please get in touch if you want further support for this.
This cleanse includes Mucoid Intestinal Kit with additional enzymes to take through fasting which is not in the kit above, 10 x liver, gallbladder and kidney formulated rectal suppositories + 10 x glutathione chemical detox rectal suppository and 30 capsules of liposomal formula for lipid exchange protocol. I've also added my formulated liver detox made with organic herbs. I avoid using dandelion or milk thistle as these can tend to be heating to an already hot and overloaded liver. I also include my multi mineral formulation to help support your body throughout the cleanse.
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Day 1 - 5 Mucoid Intestinal Cleanse
Day 5 - 8 Digestive Reset Protocol
Day 3 - Day 23 - Alternating between Glutathione and Liver/Gallbladder/Kidney Formula Suppository
Day 10 - Day 15 - Take Lipid Exchange Liposomal Daily on empty stomach
Throughout following diet to support protocol and lifestyle recommendations for taking a load of digestion and liver, clearing drainage pathways and nervous system support.
COST - $890 + shipping within Australia or pick up available.
Toxic Protein Detox, Heavy Metal, Toxic/Rancid Fats Detox, Ellagica Acid Support, Glutathione Chemical Detox & Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Flush
This is a 30 day protocol. This protocol is for those whom have previous supported their detox and drainage pathways for deeper cleansing. This protocol combines liposomal, capsule and suppository formula's alongside additional formulated liver detox tea and ionic multi-mineral formula to support detox. Within the protocol there are options for binders to use which are not in the kits.
TOXIC & MISFOLDED PROTEINS - ​Toxic proteins can break down into 7 misfolded proteins (prion protein, amyloid-beta, alpha-synuclein, huntingtin, serum amyloid A, islet amyloid polypeptide and superoxide dismutase 1) that research is showing can trigger diseases associated with the function of these proteins eg. Alzeimers, Parkinson’s, huntingtons etc. Misfolded proteins are toxic to cells and disrupt function and when released may promote amyloid plaque on the brain.
Foreign generic material is also composed of protein which one of the mechanisms by which protein toxicity occurs is through genetic mutations. Toxic proteins are being linked to trigger IGG4 diseases, blood clots, autoimmune issues and fibrin (the netting that makes blood clots).
Many people have some degree of leaky gut (which can therefore indicate leaky brain as well) from gluten consumption (wheat, barley, rye) and subclinical infections in the gut which allows undigested proteins to enter the bloodstream leading to allergies, mast cell activation, blood clotting and fatigue.
Many of the commercial grains are hybridised and have wheat germ agglutinates - a plant lectin present as a way of protecting the wheat and yielding more crops. These lectins increase intestinal permeability (leakiness), impacts good gut flora, and can trigger adverse immune responses.
In my protocols I use proteolytic enzymes in a liposomal form to support the detoxification of toxic proteins. I’ve had a few clients who have been recommended formula’s with serrapeptase and nattokinase (these are 2 such proteolytic enzymes) to help with detoxing spike proteins.
TOXIC & RANCID FATS / LIPIDS - As we age, and with exposure to toxic metals and organophosphates, healthy fats, waxes (ceramides) and proteins can turn into toxic fats (rancid fats and cholesterol crystals), metal soaps (toxic waxes) and prions (toxic proteins). These are insoluble and in the case of prions, also resist enzymatic degradation. Cyclodextrins which are in this formula may support the body in solubilising and binding these toxic substances.
Humans are one of the few species that does not synthesise vitamin C. As such, we are also one of the few species that develop plaque in the arteries. The plaque is stimulated by oxysterols (oxidised cholesterol). In a young body, Apolipoprotein A and lysosomes work together to keep plaque from accumulating. With age, we have less Apolipoprotein A and more of the B variety (which makes plaque worse) and our lysosomes are less able to detoxify oxysterols. Cyclodextrins may support the body in a healthy response to oxysterols and support lysosomes.
ELLAGICA ACID - Ellagica acid (EA) is a phytochemical which the body converts from a compound found in foods called ellagitannins. EA through emerging studies has become known for its antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticancer properties. In nature it’s part of the plants immune system and found predominately in your red berries, pomegranate, wolfberry, grapes, apples, tree nuts and some vegetables, which you would have to consume in high amounts to obtain the same amount found in it’s supplementation counterpart.
Toxic protein degrades P53, a key cancer preventing gene. Ellagica acid can support P53 gene damage alongside mircobial detox as it inhibits, viral, bacterial and fungal/yeast enzyme functions.
HEAVY METAL DETOX - In this liposomal formula DOTA chelation is used to support the body in dealing with mercury and other common metals. When wanting to bind to mercury you need a special chelator that is large enough to wrap around them without re-depositing them somewhere else. One such chelator may be Tetraazacyclododdecane Tetraacetic acid (DOTA). That’s a fancy way of saying it’s EDTA but stretched out to be big enough to grab onto these ultra heavy metals.
GLUTATHIONE SUPPORT - Chemical detoxification has three phases. In Phase I, cytochrome P450 enzymes attach polar groups onto toxins so that glutathione and other conjugants in Phase II have a place to react with. These conjugated toxins are then be escorted out of the body in Phase III. Phase two requires glutathione and other conjugants which are found in this suppository formula. Phase III requires good kidney and liver flow hence where the suppository formula for liver, gallbladder and kidney flush come into play. Due to overloaded toxins in the liver and body many are deficient in glutathione which compromises ones ability to complete phase ll of detoxification which then further impacts the bodies chemcial load.
WHY FLUSH BILE SLUDGE AND STONES? Many people may develop crystallisations in their liver, kidneys and gallbladders. Some people may have literally hundreds of stones that have accumulated in their bodies. In approximately 1 out of 4 people, these crystallisations eventually grow large enough to require medical attention. These crystallisations are typically accumulations of calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid and cholesterol. Chanca Piedra, (one of the main ingredients in the suppository formula) may also support the dissolution of calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals, the main constituents of kidney stones.
The liver, gall bladder and hepatic ducts can all suffer from accumulations of biliary sludge and gallstones. Bile, unable to pass into the duodenum can backwash into the liver and pancreas, causing alkali burns in those organs. The underlying cause to the build up of stones and sludge is toxicity and deficiencies so it is recommended to address these such as heavy metals, parasites, fungus and moulds. Please get in touch if you want further support for this.
This cleanse includes 30 days worth;
Protein Detox Lipsomal Formula​
Heavy Metal Liposomal Formula
Toxic Fats Liposomal Formula
Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Flush Suppositories
Ellagica Acid Formula
Liver Detox Tea
Multi-Minerals Formula
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Day 1 - 30 - Heavy Metal, Toxic Protein and Toxic Fats formula + Ellagica Acid / Taking schedule in morning on empty stomach working up tolerance to larger doses
Day 3 - Day 23 - Alternating between Glutathione and Liver/Gallbladder/Kidney Formula Suppository
Throughout following diet to support protocol and lifestyle recommendations for taking a load of digestion and liver, clearing drainage pathways and nervous system support. Option for intermittent fasting depending on needs.
Daily taking mineral formula, 1L of formulated liver tea
COST - $950 + shipping within Australia or pick up available.
Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Flush
OPTION 1 - 10 DAYS ;
This 10 day protocol just focuses on flushing the liver/gallbladder and kidney's. Please note this is only recommended for those that have completed intestinal cleanses prior to starting the flush. If you haven't I recommended you select option 3 below which combines the mucoid intestinal cleanse and this flush protocol as a 14 Day cleanse.
Many people may develop crystallisations in their kidneys and gallbladders. Some people may have literally hundreds of stones that have accumulated in their bodies. In approximately 1 out of 4 people, these crystallisations eventually grow large enough to require medical attention. These crystallisations are typically accumulations of calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid and cholesterol. Chanca Piedra, (one of the main ingredients in the suppository) may also support the dissolution of calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals, the main constituents of kidney stones.
The liver, gall bladder and hepatic ducts can all suffer from accumulations of biliary sludge and gallstones. Bile, unable to pass into the duodenum can backwash into the liver and pancreas, causing alkali burns in those organs. The underlying cause to the build up of stones and sludge is toxicity and deficiencies so it is recommended to address these such as heavy metals, parasites, fungus and moulds. Please get in touch if you want further support for this.
This cleanse includes 10 formulated rectal suppositories that absorb easily and are taken directly to the liver for processing. Alongside daily administration you will follow a diet and detox herbal tea to support the liver and take the load off digestion with option to complete broth fast for 1-3 days towards the end of the 14 days. If you want to further support your liver and clear toxic fat from the body you may want to take a look at OPTION 2.
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Following a diet that supports the liver and lightens digestion. There are recommendations for supporting the drainage and detox pathways in way of self care and lifestyle changes with additional option to complete the program with broth fast.
COST - $260 + shipping (if overseas additional cost may be required) or pick up available.
Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Flush
with Intestinal Mucoid Kit
OPTION 2 - 14 DAYS ;
This 14 day protocol combines the Intestinal mucoid cleanse and liver/gallbladder and kidney. This is a new option for cleansing both the intestinal and liver/gallbladder and kidneys all in one over 14 days. What we can achieve in 1 - 4 rounds of this integrative suppository flush protocol verse the 10+ rounds of oil/citrus protocol is amazing. Want to go even deeper in supporting the liver and toxic fat accumulation then I recommend taking a look at option 3 and get in touch so we can create a 25 Day protocol incorporating the mucoid intestinal cleanse and 20 day toxic fat and flush.
WHY FLUSH? Many people may develop crystallisations in their kidneys and gallbladders. Some people may have literally hundreds of stones that have accumulated in their bodies. In approximately 1 out of 4 people, these crystallisations eventually grow large enough to require medical attention. These crystallisations are typically accumulations of calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid and cholesterol. Chanca Piedra, (one of the main ingredients in the suppository) may also support the dissolution of calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals, the main constituents of kidney stones.
The liver, gall bladder and hepatic ducts can all suffer from accumulations of biliary sludge and gallstones. Bile, unable to pass into the duodenum can backwash into the liver and pancreas, causing alkali burns in those organs. The underlying cause to the build up of stones and sludge is toxicity and deficiencies so it is recommended to address these such as heavy metals, parasites, fungus and moulds. Please get in touch if you want further support for this.
This cleanse includes 10 formulated rectal suppositories that absorb easily and are taken directly to the liver for processing. Alongside daily administration you will follow a diet and detox herbal tea to support the liver and take the load off digestion with option to complete broth fast for 1-3 days towards the end of the 14 days. If you want to further support your liver and clear toxic fat from the body you may want to take a look at OPTION 2.
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1 Day of consuming a protocol of powdered and fermented enzymes for mucoid intestinal cleanse
3-5 Days (depending on the individual) or fasting on detox enzymes, raw filtered green juice, herbal tea and broth.
Day 4 - Day 14 - Begin daily suppository of liver/gallbladder/kidney formula
Day 6 - Day 9 - Digestive Reset Protocol
Day 9 - Day 14 - Following a diet that supports the liver and continues to lighten digestion.
COST - $650 + shipping (if overseas additional cost may be required) or pick up available.
Mucoid Intestinal Plaque Cleanse + Toxic Lipid Exchange Protocol,
Glutathione Chemical Detox &
Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Flush
This is a 23 day protocol. The timeframe really is guided by how the body is responding to the cleanse formula's so can allow up to 30 days to space out if needed. This protocol combines a toxic lipid exchange liposomal formula coupled with glutathione support formula for chemical detox + liver/gallbladder and kidney flush suppositories.
In a healthy body, small amounts of bile enter the bloodstream where it acts as a natural ‘detergent’ to rancid fat in the arteries. Rendering this rancid fat water soluble allows it to be urinated out and replaced with healthy fats. If there are metal toxins in the body, they hydrogenate the lipids of the body into trans fatty acids (think Crisco) and cause cholesterol to crystallise where its sharp edges pierce cells from the inside causing inflammation and damage. In this case, the natural amount of bile in the bloodstream may be insufficient. The liposomal formula supports the body in increasing bloodstream bile by converting old fat soluble toxins into water soluble so they can be flushes through the gallbladder and kidneys.
GLUTATIONE SUPPORT - Chemical detoxification has three phases. In Phase I, cytochrome P450 enzymes attach polar groups onto toxins so that glutathione and other conjugants in Phase II have a place to react with. These conjugated toxins are then be escorted out of the body in Phase III. Phase two requires glutathione and other conjugants which are found in this suppository formula. Phase III requires good kidney and liver flow hence where the suppository formula for liver, gallbladder and kidney flush come into play. Due to overloaded toxins in the liver and body many are deficient in glutathione which compromises ones ability to complete phase ll of detoxification which then further impacts the bodies chemcial load.
WHY FLUSH BILE SLUDGE AND STONES? Many people may develop crystallisations in their liver, kidneys and gallbladders. Some people may have literally hundreds of stones that have accumulated in their bodies. In approximately 1 out of 4 people, these crystallisations eventually grow large enough to require medical attention. These crystallisations are typically accumulations of calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid and cholesterol. Chanca Piedra, (one of the main ingredients in the suppository formula) may also support the dissolution of calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals, the main constituents of kidney stones.
The liver, gall bladder and hepatic ducts can all suffer from accumulations of biliary sludge and gallstones. Bile, unable to pass into the duodenum can backwash into the liver and pancreas, causing alkali burns in those organs. The underlying cause to the build up of stones and sludge is toxicity and deficiencies so it is recommended to address these such as heavy metals, parasites, fungus and moulds. Please get in touch if you want further support for this.
This cleanse includes Mucoid Intestinal Kit with additional enzymes to take through fasting which is not in the kit above, 10 x liver, gallbladder and kidney formulated rectal suppositories + 10 x glutathione chemical detox rectal suppository and 30 capsules of liposomal formula for lipid exchange protocol. I've also added my formulated liver detox made with organic herbs. I avoid using dandelion or milk thistle as these can tend to be heating to an already hot and overloaded liver. I also include my multi mineral formulation to help support your body throughout the cleanse.
Support via WhatsApp
Day 1 - 5 Mucoid Intestinal Cleanse
Day 5 - 8 Digestive Reset Protocol
Day 3 - Day 23 - Alternating between Glutathione and Liver/Gallbladder/Kidney Formula Suppository
Day 10 - Day 15 - Take Lipid Exchange Liposomal Daily on empty stomach
Throughout following diet to support protocol and lifestyle recommendations for taking a load of digestion and liver, clearing drainage pathways and nervous system support.
COST - $890 + shipping within Australia or pick up available.
Mucoid Intestinal Plaque Cleanse + Toxic Lipid Exchange Protocol,
Glutathione Chemical Detox &
Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Flush
This is a 23 day protocol. The timeframe really is guided by how the body is responding to the cleanse formula's so can allow up to 30 days to space out if needed. This protocol combines a toxic lipid exchange liposomal formula coupled with glutathione support formula for chemical detox + liver/gallbladder and kidney flush suppositories.
In a healthy body, small amounts of bile enter the bloodstream where it acts as a natural ‘detergent’ to rancid fat in the arteries. Rendering this rancid fat water soluble allows it to be urinated out and replaced with healthy fats. If there are metal toxins in the body, they hydrogenate the lipids of the body into trans fatty acids (think Crisco) and cause cholesterol to crystallise where its sharp edges pierce cells from the inside causing inflammation and damage. In this case, the natural amount of bile in the bloodstream may be insufficient. The liposomal formula supports the body in increasing bloodstream bile by converting old fat soluble toxins into water soluble so they can be flushes through the gallbladder and kidneys.
GLUTATIONE SUPPORT - Chemical detoxification has three phases. In Phase I, cytochrome P450 enzymes attach polar groups onto toxins so that glutathione and other conjugants in Phase II have a place to react with. These conjugated toxins are then be escorted out of the body in Phase III. Phase two requires glutathione and other conjugants which are found in this suppository formula. Phase III requires good kidney and liver flow hence where the suppository formula for liver, gallbladder and kidney flush come into play. Due to overloaded toxins in the liver and body many are deficient in glutathione which compromises ones ability to complete phase ll of detoxification which then further impacts the bodies chemcial load.
WHY FLUSH BILE SLUDGE AND STONES? Many people may develop crystallisations in their liver, kidneys and gallbladders. Some people may have literally hundreds of stones that have accumulated in their bodies. In approximately 1 out of 4 people, these crystallisations eventually grow large enough to require medical attention. These crystallisations are typically accumulations of calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid and cholesterol. Chanca Piedra, (one of the main ingredients in the suppository formula) may also support the dissolution of calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals, the main constituents of kidney stones.
The liver, gall bladder and hepatic ducts can all suffer from accumulations of biliary sludge and gallstones. Bile, unable to pass into the duodenum can backwash into the liver and pancreas, causing alkali burns in those organs. The underlying cause to the build up of stones and sludge is toxicity and deficiencies so it is recommended to address these such as heavy metals, parasites, fungus and moulds. Please get in touch if you want further support for this.
This cleanse includes Mucoid Intestinal Kit with additional enzymes to take through fasting which is not in the kit above, 10 x liver, gallbladder and kidney formulated rectal suppositories + 10 x glutathione chemical detox rectal suppository and 30 capsules of liposomal formula for lipid exchange protocol. I've also added my formulated liver detox made with organic herbs. I avoid using dandelion or milk thistle as these can tend to be heating to an already hot and overloaded liver. I also include my multi mineral formulation to help support your body throughout the cleanse.
Support via WhatsApp
Day 1 - 5 Mucoid Intestinal Cleanse
Day 5 - 8 Digestive Reset Protocol
Day 3 - Day 23 - Alternating between Glutathione and Liver/Gallbladder/Kidney Formula Suppository
Day 10 - Day 15 - Take Lipid Exchange Liposomal Daily on empty stomach
Throughout following diet to support protocol and lifestyle recommendations for taking a load of digestion and liver, clearing drainage pathways and nervous system support.
COST - $890 + shipping within Australia or pick up available.
Lipid Exchange Protocol,
Glutathione Support &
Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Flush
OPTION 3 / 20-30 DAYS ;
This is a 20 - 30 day protocol. The timeframe really is guided by how the body is responding to the cleanse formula's. This protocol combines a lipid exchange liposomal formula coupled with glutathione support + liver/gallbladder and kidney flush suppositories. In a healthy body, small amounts of bile enter the bloodstream where it acts as a natural ‘detergent’ to rancid fat in the arteries. Rendering this rancid fat water soluble allows it to be urinated out and replaced with healthy fats. If there are metal toxins in the body, they hydrogenate the lipids of the body into trans fatty acids (think Crisco) and cause cholesterol to crystallise where its sharp edges pierce cells from the inside causing inflammation and damage. In this case, the natural amount of bile in the bloodstream may be insufficient. The liposomal formula supports the body in increasing bloodstream bile by converting old fat soluble toxins into water soluble so they can be flushes through the gallbladder and kidneys.
GLUTATIONE SUPPORT - Chemical detoxification has three phases. In Phase I, cytochrome P450 enzymes attach polar groups onto toxins so that glutathione and other conjugants in Phase II have a place to react with. These conjugated toxins are then be escorted out of the body in Phase III. Phase two requires glutathione and other conjugants which are found in this suppository formula. Phase III requires good kidney and liver flow hence where the suppository formula for liver, gallbladder and kidney flush come into play. Due to overloaded toxins in the liver and body many are deficient in glutathione which compromises ones ability to complete phase ll of detoxification which then further impacts the bodies chemcial load.
WHY FLUSH BILE SLUDGE AND STONES? Many people may develop crystallisations in their kidneys and gallbladders. Some people may have literally hundreds of stones that have accumulated in their bodies. In approximately 1 out of 4 people, these crystallisations eventually grow large enough to require medical attention. These crystallisations are typically accumulations of calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid and cholesterol. Chanca Piedra, (one of the main ingredients in the suppository) may also support the dissolution of calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals, the main constituents of kidney stones.
The liver, gall bladder and hepatic ducts can all suffer from accumulations of biliary sludge and gallstones. Bile, unable to pass into the duodenum can backwash into the liver and pancreas, causing alkali burns in those organs. The underlying cause to the build up of stones and sludge is toxicity and deficiencies so it is recommended to address these such as heavy metals, parasites, fungus and moulds. Please get in touch if you want further support for this.
This cleanse includes 10 x liver, gallbladder and kidney formulated rectal suppositories + 10 x glutathione rectal suppository and 60 capcules of liposomal formula for lipid exchange protocol. this protocol is recommended along side following a diet and detox herbal tea to support the liver and take the load off digestion with option to complete broth fast for 1-3 days towards the end. This protocol can also be blended with the 5 day mucoid intestinal cleanse kit.
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1 - Day 30 - Alternating between Glutathione and Liver/Gallbladder/Kidney Formula Suppository
Day 10 - Day 15 - Take Lipid Exchange Liposomal Daily
Throughout following diet to support protocol and lifestyle recommendations for clearing drainage pathways and nervous system support.
COST - $520 + shipping (if overseas additional cost may be required) or pick up available.