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Identify Mineral Deficiencies


We have been lead to believe that the lines, marks and changes to our face are a signs of ageing, they are actually signs of deficiencies and toxicity. When the cells are not up-taking nutrition efficiently or you are not nourishing your life with what it needs this puts stress on the bodies ability to heal leading to congestion of toxicity which results in symptoms for healing.


Please note this information and guidance is not to diagnose. If you are presenting with symptoms or a known condition please book in an private consultation so you can receive the appropriate guidance and support or join one of the free group webinars where I go through all the deficiency indicators, educational resources and Q&A (follow on my instagram page to know when these take place and sign up). Always consult with you health care professional before purchasing any of these formulas.


These formula's should not be used whilst pregnant or breastfeeding unless under the guidance of your health care professional. There are over 80 formulations that are used in private practice so to get more individualised care get in touch and we can identify how best to support your needs.




Step 1: Identifying Malabsorption

  1. To begin you will want to take a photo of yourself with a clean face. It is best to take in the day in good light however not direct as over exposure will occur. Take a front on profile of yourself with hair back, one with eyes open and then one with eyes closed. Then take a side profile of both right and left side profile of face.  Additionally you can take a photo of your eyes close up glancing to both the right and left to see clearer to the colour of the whites of eyes. Once you have these then you can begin to self assess.

  2. To assess what deficiencies are presenting visually on the face download the 'Guide to Facial Analysis'. This content is the copyright of the Goyetche Institute.

  3. With regards to malabsorption indicator; do you have a straight line crease below your mouth where it meets your chin as seen in the picture? If you do then this is your initial focus to correct. Go onto step 2 to see what additional minerals work whilst correcting malabsorption. If you don't have crease then you can explore all the formula's depending on your final analysis.

    1. ​Note if you have a line that creates a arch more than straight line this is most likely due to the shape of chin. Sometimes you can present with both and will see a deeper straight line at the midline of the arched line. ​

Step 2: Analysing Your Results

Step 1: Take the time to read through the 'Self Assessment PDF' and learn about the various indicators. Have the photos you took of yourself and then take notes on which visible mineral indicators you can see are present in your images. 


Step 2: At the end of the PDF you will also find an additional section of the emotional/mental indicators and the possible mineral deficiencies associated. This is not to mean that you have all deficiencies associated however that these minerals have an affinity with these mental/emotional experiences. Go through the list and check those you feel you can relate to. Think of this as a gentle exploration and practice of self enquiry, learning and listening to what your body is sharing truthfully


Step 3: Once you have completed both part 1 and part 2 taking notes, its now time to cross reference. This is a process I personally do when looking at the history of someones physical symptoms, emotional/mental experience and then the facial analysis as it gives a whole picture to the minerals that are needed especially when I don't see them in person to muscle test. 


An example;  You may be presenting with a Sodium Chloride deficiency as you have the primary visual indicator of a deep nasolabial fold which can be accompanied with a wet shiny look on eyelids. Couple this will the fact you ticked yes to; anxiety about the future, lacking forgiveness and feelings of loneliness​ all of which a sodium chloride deficiency can contribute to biochemically then regardless of knowing what role it plays in the body (however it is in the PDF to learn) there are strong indicators that this is a mineral you need in your formula. WARNING: please do not go out and buy sodium chloride aka table salt thinking this will help, it will actually do the opposite. These minerals are trace minerals found in vegetables. Also minerals have either a symbiotic relationship or can compete with other minerals so it's important to take them understanding this balance.  


Reminder: There are many other steps in a full assessment where by we explore the other presenting symptoms and history of the individual that can hold a key to specific minerals that will benefit and that do not have facial indicators, this process however allows you to see some of the common and fundamental imbalances that can be corrected with bio-available minerals and start you on your journey.

Step 3: Selecting Formula's


So by now you will be closer to understanding what your needs are. If you are presenting with a malabsorption line you may have recognised you are presenting with wide spread deficiencies as a result, don't be alarmed this is common due to the inhibited uptake of the essentials which are the foundation of uptake to other minerals (and vitamins). You will need to start on the Malabsorption Formula initially however whilst your treating the ​malabsorption you can also combine 2 formula's and target other needs of the body.



The Skin and Complete Health Formula's work wonders with the Malabsorption Formula (warning: anyone with autoimmune should not purchase the Skin formula and to be honest if not under the care of practitioner should consider a private consultation or consult with a health professional before purchasing).


In my personal experience muscle testing clients who on paper would need either of these formula's, I have noticed that the body indicates a preference to one or another dependant on the bodies needs when treating malabsorption. This you can explore in step 4.

Step 4: Combining Formula's

At the initial stage of re-mineralising with malabsorption it is rare that you will just need one formula however that is not to say that the malabsorption formula won't give benefits without this addition; on the contrary sometimes when correcting the malabsorption other minerals are better absorbed and correct on there own. It is just in my practice I see wonderful results when combining and often when asking clients to refrain from alcohol they prefer to do as much as they can in the time they have committed. 


The Wellbeing Formula: This is a formula that supports inflammation, acidity, organs and endocrine system. I often find when clients present with the below in addition to the 12 essential deficiencies the malabsorption formula is well matched with the wellbeing formula.

  • puffiness under the eyes

  • Lips of the eyes are red

  • They hold fluid easily / hold fluid in the cheeks of face

  • Can be on the low side of iron 

  • Prone to having more oily/shiny skin than dry/mixed

  • Feels sluggish or gets tired after exerting energy

  • Have hyper or hypo thyroid

  • Have autoimmune condition

  • Prone to mood swings or ups and downs emotionally

  • indent inner eye at bridge of the nose


The Skin Formula: This formula supports inflammation, acidity and adrenal fatigue however it is all about the integrity and health of your skin inside and out. I find this formula indicates strong when someone presents with;

  • Strong vertical lines between eyes brows and horizontal lines on forehead

  • Skin on inner eye is whitened / bloodshot eyes

  • Prone to skin breakouts 

  • Prone to allergies

  • Prone to anxiousness

  • Is energetic however experiences mental fatigue or overthinking 

  • Dark shadowing around the entire eye and a grey cloudiness over the eye itself, lack of clarity in the eye, can also present with sunken eyes


If you are not presenting with malabsorption and have would just like to explore formula's to best cover your deficiencies head to step 5. If you want to purchase the formula's then you will find them in the shop. 

Step 5: Exploring other formula's

The 8 formula's available target specific needs and deficiencies. No one formula is going to cover all deficiencies however you want to aim to find one that is going to meet your primary needs. Below we cover the 8 formula's available and how they support the body and mind. 


We have already touched on 3 (malabsorption, skin and wellbeing formula's) out of the 8 formula in the previous steps so will cover the additional 5 and the support they offer, you can view the full ingredients list in the online shop.


SCHOOL FORMULA; This formula is comprised of 17 minerals and is not just for children although it was formulated to address optimal learning and retention of information, many common behaviour issues in children, clearing and maintaining heavy metals, optimising the immune system, maintaining a slightly alkaline pH and reducing inflammation/acidity. This is not for anyone with autoimmune conditions. Also if you or your child is presenting with malabsorption it is recommended to start with the malabsorption formula for 3 months before switching to this formula. 


WRINKLE FORMULA; As the name implies this is a formula targeted to build integrity of the skin, connective tissue, epidermis, collagen and elastin whilst treating underlying inflammation and acidity. Due to the antioxidants within this formula it is not recommended for anyone with autoimmune unless under the care of a health professional. 


FATIGUE FORMULA; One of the most common presenting symptoms I see with clients however as fatigue is the bodies natural response to needing rest this can be attributed to various mineral deficiencies. Tim compiled all the minerals with direct links from fatigue to general tiredness into one formula (15 minerals) and I have to say it one of the formula's that the body responds strong to when there is mental and emotional exhaustion. This is only in a lactose base tablet currently so if you have severe reactions to lactose this won't be a formula for you, nor is this recommended for anyone with autoimmune. If your presenting with malabsorption please treat this first for 3 months before switching to this formula.


AUTOIMMUNE SKIN FORMULA; This formula is for anyone with autoimmune and works alongside the malabsorption formula when treating malabsorption. This has everything the skin formula has however the antioxidants have been removed. In situations where autoimmune is present it is important to treat the underlying cause to your body being in a hyper immune response and therefore stimulating the immune system with minerals such as zinc chloride or copper arsenite is not recommended. Antioxidants such as manganese, selenium and gold chloride in some cases are tolerated however this is something I would only recommend to clients I have had private consultations with to be sure.


GRIEF FORMULA; I have seen such supportive results from this considered formulation. Tim formulated this to help loved ones either through death or a break up of a relationship. This formula will help ease the pain and support a healthy grieving process. Clients who I have specifically used this formula reported they were able to sleep better with time of taking this formula and had more capacity to be with the feelings of the loss than avoid them.


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